Admission Procedure
Please register with your Email ID and Phone Number, and fill the "Profile" column with your Personal and Academic Details. Upload your documents (applicable marksheets), photograph & signature.
Note: When you fill the "Application" column, our courses are under Science and Technology faculty.
The Entrance Examination will be held ONLINE at the City you will choose in the application form.
The examination will be held in the month of June every year. The date of Online Entrance Examination (OEE) will be displayed on the CCEP Portal of SPPU.
The OEE consists of Online Exam at designated centers followed by Group Discusion and Visual Aptitute Test (GD-VAT).
Admission Process
The Online Entrance Examination (OEE) is of 150 marks, with following breakdown:
Multiple Choice Questions:
- 80 marks for Subject related (MCQs and Desriptive Questions (5 Marks))
- 20 marks General Aptitude
The OEE will be followed by a Group Discussion/Visual Aptitute Test (GD-VAT) for 50 marks.
Examination Syllabus
The Online Entrance Examination for the M.Sc. (Media and Communication Studies) will be based on the following units. The description here is meant to provide only a general idea and scope of the unit. It does not intend to suggest a highly specialized knowledge of the unit. The units are not mutually exclusive and the list of points therein is not exhaustive.
1. Media-I (General): History, concepts, institutes and bodies, content, personalities, technologies, ownerships, acts etc. related to various media in India and in the world.
2. Media-II (Current Affairs): Various issues, events, awards, people, developments, inventions, controversies etc related to various media that were in the limelight in the preceding two years.
3. Current Affairs: Various issues, events, awards, people, developments, inventions, controversies etc related to several non-media fields that were in the limelight in the preceding two years.
4. History: Concepts, people, places, events, issues, stages, turning points, wars, treaties, artefacts etc which have a historical significance in Indian and global context. (Scope: up to 12th standard)
5. Geography: Earth, places, people, flora & fauna, climate, mountains, rivers, various geographical features, maps etc in Indian and global context (Scope: up to 12th standard)
6. Art and Literature: Important books, performing arts, painting, artefacts, folk arts, authors, artists, styles, developments, historical phases, movements etc in the context of Maharashtra, rest of India and the world. (Scope: up to 12th standard)
7. Religion and Culture: Mythology, holy scripture, places, people, practices, celebrations etc related to various religions and, traditions, customs, practices, values, artefacts etc related to various cultures.
8. Politics and Civic Life: Concepts, practices, forms of governance, movements, parties, people, events, quotations etc related to politics in Maharashtra, rest of India and the world. Public administration, rules and regulations, norms and practices etc related to civic life in India.
9. Economics: Concepts, people, events, issues, developments, ideas, status, debates, regulations, agreements, etc related to various fields of business and economy in Indian and global context (Scope: up to 12th standard)
10. Science and Technology: Concepts, ideas, laws, theories, experiments, inventions and discoveries, scientists, scientific bodies, awards, debates etc. in various field of science and technologies.
Sample Questions for Online Entrance Examination
Download Here: OEE2024 Sample Questions