November 30, 2019 (Pune): UNESCO led program Global Alliance for Partnerships on Media and Information Literacy (GAPMIL) released the names of twelve youth ambassadors around the world selected to operationalize UNESCO’s Global Action Plan on MIL in various regions of the world. Among more than 600 applications and proposals from all over the world, Mr. Dhammaratna Shriram Jawale, a PhD student of Department of Media and Communication Studies of SPPU has been selected as UNESCO’s GAPMIL Youth Ambassador for Asia-Pacific region among 12 other youth ambassadors.
Dhammaratna holds M.Sc. degree in Media and Communication Studies from SPPU and now pursuing his Doctoral Research in “Sociology of Digital Exclusion” as an UGC-Junior Research Fellow (MHRD, Govt. of India) in the same department. He was selected with 3 other Youth Ambassadors from Asia-Pacific and other ambassadors from Africa, Arab States, Europe, North America, Latin America and Caribbean countries. All the youth ambassadors also represents the GAPMIL’s Global Youth Committee for the period 2019-2021.
Launched during the 2013 Global Partnership Forum in MIL in Abuja (Nigeria), the Global Alliance for Partnerships on Media and Information Literacy (GAPMIL) is a ground-breaking effort to promote international cooperation to ensure that all citizens have access to media and information competencies. GAPMIL is also dedicated to articulating concrete partnerships to drive the development and impact of MIL globally, and enabling the MIL community to speak in one voice on certain critical issues, particularly policy, education and new technology trends. GAPMIL Youth Ambassadors will pursue these goals by collaborating and cooperating with operational partners and stakeholders in each region to promote awareness of MIL among youth and contribute to youth training. They also give support to GAPMIL Youth Committee, the GAPMIL International Steering Committee, the GAPMIL regional chapters and sub-chapters to create awareness of advocacy actions to all citizens about MIL competencies.
GAPMIL is a joint initiative of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO: Paris, France); United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC: New York, United States); Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA: Stockholm, Sweden); European Commission (EU: Brussels, Belgium); United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF: New York, United States); International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX: Washington DC, United States) and Open Society Foundations (OSF: New York, United States) among other UN agencies and international development partners who agree to come on board in future.